CRM Advisory

We support businesses that select Salesforce services and advise on suitable integration, configuration, optimization, or customization options for existing Salesforce CRM. 


Offering Salesforce consulting services, we help companies select a Salesforce edition and features and advise on suitable integration, configuration, optimization or customization options for existing Salesforce CRM. We can also conduct an audit of your Salesforce system, diagnosing existing or potential issues.


Ability to support Salesforce implementation into your corporate cloud environment and carry out all the necessary configurations, data migration, workflow setup, and user training to meet your business needs.


Migration Support – Ability to help you move from your legacy system to a cloud-based Salesforce CRM. Clean and migrate your data, map your workflows on the Salesforce platform, cut redundant features, and add new relevant functions.

Ability to set up a seamless data flow between your Salesforce and any other system, like ERP, accounting, marketing, document management, and customer service tools through native integration or custom-built modules.


Ability to go beyond out-of-the-box capabilities, our experts can modify objects and fields, data models, user permissions, and other platform aspects using default customization capabilities and declarative automation tools.

Analysis & idea

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Design Process

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Ready Project

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We Provide Great Solutions


Why Choose Us?

We have extensive experience working with clients across diverse industries. Our team is flexible and adaptable, with the expertise to understand our clients’ unique challenges and needs.